Mango Lassi Frozen Yogurt


Perfectly exotic and creamy frozen yogurt made at

home with the tempting flavor of mango and cardamom.

In my previous blog post, I showed you how simply you could make wholesome and healthy yogurt at home, from scratch. It makes about a quart, so the amount is perfect if you want to go ahead with that and turn it into frozen yogurt. In these hot days of summer, it is always welcome.

Yogurt made at home.


  • 1 envelope unflavored gelatin
  • 1/4 cup cold water
  • 3 cups natural unsweetened plain yogurt (homemade or Greek style)
  • 1 cup Splenda or sugar
  • 1 tsp. ground cardamom
  • 1 cup mango puree (peel ripe mangoes and cut off fruit from the pit and puree in a food processor)


  1. Dissolve unflavored gelatin in 1/4 cup cold water and let sit for about 5 minutes.
  2. Heat water in a saucepan and set a stainless mixing bowl on top to act as a double-boiler; or you can just use a double boiler (I don’t keep one as it takes up too much space and I can just use a mixing bowl like this).
  3. Pour gelatin into the stainless bowl or double-boiler; whisk it.
  4. Whisk in one cup of yogurt at a time, making sure it is thoroughly mixed before adding another cup.
  5. As soon as it is all mixed in, remove from heat and whisk in the mango puree and sweetener.
  6. Set up an ice cream freezer and pour mixture into it (make sure your tub is prefrozen if you use that type); operate your freezer according to manufacturer’s directions.

Whisking the gelatin over a double-boiler.

Yogurt and Gelatin
Whisking in the yogurt, one cup at a time.

Yogurt and Mango
Yogurt with Mango, Splenda, and cardamom added.

Ice cream maker
Ice Cream maker

Pouring in frozen yogurt mix
Pouring the frozen yogurt mix into the freezer

Frozen yogurt mix in freezer
Frozen yogurt mix in the freezer

Frozen yogurt mix solidifying
Frozen yogurt mix solidifying

Removing churn
Removing the churn

Scraping off the yogurt
Scraping off the frozen yogurt

Soft Serve Frozen Yogurt
Soft serve frozen yogurt with a little sprinkle of extra cardamom

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2 responses

    • Different ice cream makers have different instructions. Refer to the manual for the one you plan to use.

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