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Manwich Baked Beans


Manwich Baked Beans uses a can  of  the  sloppy joe sauce to  make quick  work  of baked beans for your barbecue  or cookout.

Manwich Baked Beans

By Sue Lau | Palatable  Pastime

Manwich Baked Beans is my recipe of the day. It  is  an easy way to get some baked beans into the oven for a cookout.

I don’t usually grab cans to make my sauces or seasonings, but I did have some of the Manwich on hand.

And I don’t usually use that either. But  during   recent  months, I thought  it might be a good idea to grab something easy enough for my husband to fix for  supper if I got  sick. Not that he  can’t cook, but if he was feeling  off  as well, we would  need easy work  of  something  to eat.  So I bought a couple  cans  of  Manwich on sale.

And the cans  just sat on  the shelf  before  finally I figured out they probably  weren’t going  to be  needed after all. So I made some sloppy joes with one  for lunch. And if didn’t taste  anything  like I remembered from years ago.

Either that or  I have become  a snob.  Because I do  my own sloppy  recipe  and it tastes on point  for the place in my  brain that  says “This  is a sloppy Joe!” And when  dealing  with  childhood memories, never mess with the child  inside you. They will  get ticked off.

Best to make my  own. (And if you  want that recipe,  it is  linked  further down the  page)

Anyhoo.  This  left  me  with one  more  can. And  I wasn’t  going  back  to  sloppy  joe land  with it.

I decided  to  go all  “Chopped” basket  with it  and  make it  into something  else. I  make barbecue often,  and  will be needing sides. So baked beans it was.

This is  easy enough  to stir up  and bake. I know, I know.  Skipping  the meat,  I  didn’t put ground beef in it. Reason beingit  would have made more servings. And I didn’t  want too much food.

But  since baked beans can be made effectively with ground beef  added, feel free to brown up half  pound  or a  pound  and  stir  into  the beans before baking. Check the consistency to  see  if you’ll need  an extra can of  sauce. If it looks too saucy, give it  another can  of  beans. And make sure  your  baking  dish holds  it all.

If you overfill  that,  it  will spill  over in the  oven. If you’re not sure,  put the dish  on a  pizza pan  to catch drips. And  add five to ten on the baking time since the pizza pan  will cause the beans to  take  slightly longer to  thicken  (it insulates  the  bottom of the  dish from heat)

And enjoy. With a  slab of ribs  or  perhaps some sloppy joes (of course using my from scratch  recipes!) LOL!

Manwich Baked Beans

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Manwich Baked Beans


Manwich Baked Beans

Course Side Dish
Cuisine American
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 50 minutes
Servings 6
Author Sue Lau


  • 1 cup chopped onion
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons chopped garlic
  • 15 ounce can Manwich sauce
  • 2 15 ounces each cans pork and beans
  • 1 tablespoon Louisiana hot pepper sauce


  • Preheat oven to 375F.
  • Saute the onion in olive oil until softened.
  • Stir together with remaining ingredients and place in a greased oval casserole dish.
  • Bake 45 minutes, uncovered, or until thickened.


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