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Garlic Knot Hearts


Garlic knots get twisted up into heart shapes in this Valentine’s Day bread, making a perfect appetizer or side to any pasta dish.

Garlic Knot Hearts

By Sue Lau | Palatable Pastime

One of my recipes of the day for today is for garlic knot hearts, which is a riff off the usual garlic knots,  except these are heart shaped (instead of knots) for Valentine’s Day.

The hearts are being posted in conjunction with #FoodBloggerLove, which includes a ginormous round-up of Valentine’s Day recipes for you to browse and enjoy.

Be sure to check out the other Food Blogger Love Recipes!

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Originally today I was going to do some curled hearts out of dough similar to a curled Palmier, but as I worked some seasonings into the dough it seized on me and while I might have waited a long time to get the dough  to relax again, I decided to start fresh since I had a prepared dough and didn’t want something like that happening to you if you were short on time.

But these are kind of cute anyway, and easy to roll up. The best part is that they break in half through the center, and romantically speaking, two Valentines can share eating the halves of the heart. It reminds me of the split heart charm for a necklace where each friend gets half the heart.

But I do like these either as an appetizer or eaten as a bread along with pasta. I love doing pasta for valentine’s Day because most people love it and it is a simple meal to get together. Add wine and salad and you’re all set.

Garlic Knot Hearts

  • Servings: 12
  • Difficulty: easy
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  • 1 (7.8 ounce pkg.) refrigerated Wewalka Bistro Pizza Round and Thin Crust
  • 2 tablespoons granulated garlic
  • Dipping Sauce 1/4 cup of pizza sauce, ranch dressing, creamy Italian dressing, or melted garlic butter


  1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
  2. Unroll dough; using pizza cutter, cut dough into four wedges, then each wedge into thirds (for a total of twelve).
  3. Beginning at wide end, roll up each wedge like a crescent roll, then bring thin edges together and pinch.
  4. Use a small knife to cut a slit into the top and tamp down the dough to make a heart shape.
  5. Dredge hearts in granulated garlic.
  6. Place on baking sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes or until golden.
  7. Serve with the dipping sauce of your choice.

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