Grilled Strawberry Pineapple Shortcake

Slices of grilled pound cake are topped with macerated strawberries, grilled pineapple rings and whipped cream.
Grilled Strawberry Pineapple Shortcake

Grilled Strawberry Pineapple Shortcake

By Sue Lau | Palatable Pastime

It’s time for #FantasticalFoodFight, hosted by  Sarah of Fantastical Sharing of Recipes, and for April the topic is about Strawberry Shortcake. Since I already have a shortcake recipe on the blog, I decided to do a quick and dirty version of a grilled shortcake, using both strawberries and pineapple. Pineapple gets nicely caramelized when grilled. I don’t prefer grilled berries though since they get too mushy for my tastes, so left that part simply macerated.

I had intended to grill this outdoors as a Spring and early Summer recipe. But the joke is on us all as it has been snowing like there is no end to winter.

But fear not, instead  of standing outside in a blizzard of big fat wet flakes, I kept this indoors. And you can too if you have either something like an electric panini griddle, a Foreman grill, or a stove top grill pan. And while that is great for days when you get rained out (or buried in snow) it is still best to do this outdoors if you have the option. It is ever so slightly better that way.

It works out well indoors, although the pineapple will be more caramelized on the outdoor grill. This is very good for a quick dessert on barbecue day. Although you could also attempt this in cast iron, which may work out nicely.Grilled Strawberry Pineapple Shortcake

I use a fresh pineapple in this. The best way I have found to prep one is to do a royale cut,  where you cut off the top and  bottom evenly, then stand it up on a cutting board and use your knife to thinly slice away the outside cutting from top to bottom. You can use the parer to get out any brown “eyes” the knife may have missed.

It’s the same way you would cut a grapefruit to easily section out the fruit without the  membrane, except in that case you would cut the  peeled fruit into wedges. With the pineapple, you would slice it into rings instead. After that, I use an apple coring tool to cut out the woody core.

Grilled Strawberry Pineapple Shortcake

  • Servings: 4
  • Difficulty: easy
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Grilled Strawberry Pineapple Shortcake

  • 10-12 ounces pound cake (I used a frozen Sara Lee cake, thawed)
  • 2-4 tablespoons soft butter
  • 1 pound fresh strawberries, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons caster sugar
  • 4 slices fresh pineapple (rings)
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • whipped cream (as needed)


  1. Chop strawberries and stir with caster sugar; let macerate until they get juicy.
  2. Butter slices of pound cake lightly and set aside.
  3. Coat pineapple slices with soft brown sugar.
  4. Grill cake slices for a few minutes until they have  grill marks.
  5. Grill pineapple until brown sugar caramelizes.
  6. Place pineapple on top of pound cake slices and top with strawberries and whipped cream.

From the kitchen of


April 2018: Strawberry Shortcake

Be sure to check out the other Fantastical Strawberry Shortcake recipes this month!

Click on the hop link button to be transported to the other recipes:

Grilled Strawberry Pineapple Shortcake

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